The great team behind Vivido

Our Mission

Make your marketing activations effective!

As the media landscape continues to rapidly evolve, media auditing has become more important than ever before. However, executing a successful media audit has also become increasingly challenging. Advertisers are understandably at a loss for where to even begin, as the traditional one-size-fits-all models of the past no longer work in today's market. It is essential for advertisers to determine the right data source and effectively measure media performance, but this can often be difficult to achieve. With so many factors to consider, such as data accuracy, campaign performance, and media spend, it can be overwhelming for brands to effectively evaluate the performance of their digital media investments. In order to thrive in this complex landscape, advertisers need a partner who can help them navigate these challenges and achieve optimal results.

We Thrive To Help Our Clients Have Impact - Rocket X Webflow Template
Our Values

The core values behind vivido

Accountability - Rocket X Webflow Template


Team Work - Rocket X Webflow Template

Data Driven

Innovation - Rocket X Webflow Template


Execution - Rocket X Webflow Template

Execution Excellence

Commitment - Rocket X Webflow Template


Growth - Rocket X Webflow Template

Growth Mindset

Our presence

You can find our team in New York and Dubai

New York, NY - Rocket X Webflow Template

New York


Our Team

Meet the Vivido team

Our team has worked with major advertising technology players in North America and EMEA servicing Fortune 500 advertising teams with the cutting edge AdTech technologies

Ready to optimize your digital marketing campaigns? Get in touch today!