Helps Food Delivery Platform Increase App Installs by 10X with a Gaming Activation Helps Food Delivery Platform Increase App Installs by 10X with a Gaming Activation

Increase in Positive Sentiment
A Popular Streaming Service Helps Food Delivery Platform Increase App Installs by 10X with a Gaming Activation

Project results


Increase in App Installs


Increase in App Installs

A food delivery platform was looking to reach a younger audience with their advertising campaigns. Their previous advertising campaigns were not reaching their target audience, and they were not seeing a return on their advertising investment.

The company decided to hire to help them build a custom strategy to reach young audiences. is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses to create and execute effective advertising campaigns. worked with the company to understand their target audience and their goals. They then developed a custom strategy that would help the company reach their target audience and achieve their goals.'s custom strategy included a streaming activation through a live streaming gamingfocues platform that is popular with young people. worked with the company to create a live stream that would appeal to young people. The live stream featured a popular gaming streamer who was eating food from the company's restaurant partners.

The activation was a huge success. It resulted in a 10X increase in app installs during the activation period. worked with the food delivery platform to create a pre-roll video ad that would appeal to young people. The ad featured a popular  streamer who was eating food from the company's restaurant partners. The ad was also designed to be informative and engaging, and it included a call to action that encouraged viewers to download the food delivery app.

The pre-roll video ads were a huge success. They resulted in a 10X increase in app installs during the activation period. The company was very pleased with the results of the activation.

The  activation was a huge success. It resulted in the following results:

  • 10X increase in app installs: The number of app installs increased by 10X during the activation period. This was a significant increase, and it showed that the custom activation was very effective at reaching young people.
  • Increased brand awareness: The activation also resulted in increased brand awareness. A survey of viewers found that 75% of them were aware of the food delivery platform after seeing the ad.
  • Positive sentiment: The activation also generated positive sentiment among viewers. A survey of viewers found that 90% of them had a positive view of the food delivery platform after seeing the ad.

The food delivery platform was very pleased with the results of the activation. They were able to reach a large audience of young people, increase brand awareness, and generate positive sentiment. They were also able to save money on their advertising costs.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the results of the case study:

  • Gaming is a powerful medium for reaching young audiences.
  • can help businesses create effective advertising campaigns targeting young audiences.
  • By running advertising campaigns targeting gaming audiences, advertisers can reach a large audience of young people and achieve their advertising goals.

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